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Slobodan Babić

Verifikovani prodavac magle u letnjem periodu

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DDOR manages assets using TotalObserver

DDOR manages assets using TotalObserver

With the help of TotalObserver software, the insurance company DDOR Novi Sad improved the asset usage analysis, connected the legal service and bookkeeping, and accelerated the collection of rent.

Airport City Belgrade automated invoicing and billing tracking

Airport City Belgrade automated invoicing and billing tracking

Since its inception and the first office buildings commissioned in 2006, Airport City Belgrade has been using TotalObserver to manage its premium space, through automation of invoicing and billing tracking, maintenance management and reporting at all levels of management.

Asset register management

Asset register management

Easily create, standardize, and standardize equipment, facilities, drives, vehicles, and all other assets.

Management based on real data

Management based on real data

Real-time monitoring of the company’s real business. Activities of all employees, realized tasks, costs, generated revenues and other are automatically synthesized into business indicators

Billing automation for residential areas

Billing automation for residential areas

By using TotalObserver, the billing and billing tracking process is fully automated. Employee attention shifts from manually generating invoices to control and analysis, resulting in higher business quality and better business results. The reports give a clear picture of the collection and enable the planning of income for the next period.