chk-circle adm adr ast ast-top ath bank bdg ben ca cat cc chl cnf com contract credit-note crm debit-note dsh ea em etpl exp exr fcte fcte-type female folder folder-favorites folder-private folder-public folder-search folder-shared folder-smart folder-tag formul fs-app fs-archive fs-audio fs-avi fs-doc fs-dwg fs-file fs-html fs-image fs-jpg fs-link fs-mp3 fs-mp4 fs-pdf fs-png fs-ppt fs-rtf fs-spreadsheet fs-svg fs-tif fs-txt fs-vector fs-video fs-wiki fs-xls fxd hp ic inc inr interest interim invoice invoice-adv invoice-pro ks lib lng ma male map mb me ms msg msr ntfl nws oca ods-sla offer org pi pin pln prc prf prj prl pyi qu rcp rem req rfrq rgm rpt rpt-con rpt-exp rpt-expp rpt-inc rpt-req rpt-rfrq rpt-rpt rpt-sta rpt-whs rpt-wo scr spare-1 spare-2 spare-3 spare-4 sta stop support tmpl to to-color trn tsk unt usr wd wdg wha whs wo wrl


Asset management and maintenance solution for the manufacturing and processing industry.

years of experience in industry

TotalObserver makes it easier for employees to manage maintenance, and enables making the right decisions to management based on real indicators and metrics.

We provide our customers with a modern tool for maintenance planning and management, which has real indicators and metrics in its foundation.

managed assets

users daily

work orders daily

Key advantages

Tracking facility information

Once classified and organized, the asset registry enables clear insight into details of every machine, technical system or production facility. An easy access to all information, with the ability to track the complete maintenance history.

Increasing facility availability

The solution offers an efficient tool for registering failures and appliance of standardized procedures and best practices. The proactive approach of all employees in the maintenance process extends the lifespan of assets and equipment, and makes the production facility more reliable.

Reducing maintenance costs

The management has a clear insight into maintenance costs by analyzing information on the number of failures, downtime duration, number of spare parts used, actual human labor, the maintenance cost per machine or facility, etc. That way, management is able to make more reliable decisions and reduce maintenance costs.

The number 1 asset management software in Southeast Europe

Establish a work process, focus process participants, define and automate their activities, and optimize team size. TotalObserver is the No. 1 asset management software in Southeast Europe.


TotalObserver features make doing your business straightforward.

Assets and machine registry

Assets registry is the starting point for any operational work and gives us a clear insight into the complete list of assets we maintain. All the necessary information about facilities, machines, and equipment is located exactly where they are needed the most – at the property element itself. The assets are structured to fit the way the user handles the maintenance process.

Maintenance requests

The solution enables the creation of maintenance requests, with the aim of recording them, making them available to the relevant services, and also monitoring the work progress. These requests could be the basis for creating work orders or could be accomplished at the level of the request itself if there is no need to engage any resources.

Work Orders

By using work orders, the solution enables monitoring of the maintenance accomplishment and resources usage (spare parts, human labor, machine work duration). If needed, the work order could be enriched by adding attachments in the form of scanned documents, photos, manufacturer’s instructions, checklists, etc.

Regular Maintenance

There is an option to create work order templates for maintenance activities that are repeated over time. The rules according to which the system will automatically create work orders are defined in the calendar, as well as the list of participants in the process who need to receive an email notification that the work order has been created.

Personal Assignments

An excellent tool for managers, which enables tasks delegation to an individual or group, and also the monitoring of their accomplishment. Task activities are accompanied by system messages. Also, there is a possibility to leave comments in free form and to track the communication during the task progress.


Contracts are the basis for engaging external companies and for monitoring the contractual obligations’ accomplishment. Through this program, it is possible to monitor all important information, deadlines, financial obligations, payments, and delivery of services and goods. TotalObserver will inform you about important events, in order not to forget something.

Electronic Documents

The solution enables easy and secure management of internal electronic documents. The program offers an interface for saving, storing, managing, and searching through internal files in an easy and secure way. It is possible to keep tracking of document versions and share them with team members, with full control over access rights.

Maintenance costs analysis

The solution enables maintenance costs tracking (spare parts, human labor, machine work duration). Maintenance costs could be classified by selected categories and analyzed by a predefined cost center (machine, production line, facility, factory).

Warehouse management

The solution for Warehouse operations supports the process of article management (spare parts, material, etc.). The movement of items is accompanied by pertinent warehouse documents.

Project management

The solution offers a tool for consolidating activities and documents during large-scale work conduction (overhaul, reconstruction, etc.). It is possible to assign the project manager and project associates, as well as the expected time of project completion.

Daily newsletter

A set of information customized for the user, with the aim to focus him on his daily duties. The user receives the daily newsletter every working day by e-mail, at the predefined time. This prevents oversight and forgetting activities for which the employee is responsible.

Access control

TotalObserver allows fine-tuning of access rights to certain processes and functionalities, directly or through user profiles. The user sees only those parts of the application that are made available to him by the solution administrator.

Downtime analysis

It is possible to create a database with standardized types of failures on the machine and to define a set of activities for fault clearance. Failures could be categorized. This is crucial for failure analysis and reduction of downtime per machine.


Reports in TotalObserver provide a detailed analysis of operational and strategic business indicators. For people who perform operational work, the reports give a real-time picture of all events. They provide managers with a whole set of tools necessary for the strategic positioning of the company.

What do our users say about TotalObserver?

Off-the-shelf versions for different industries will satisfy even the most demanding organizations.

However, if you need a connection with the legacy software or with some equipment, process customization, or some custom development; we are at your disposal!.

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