We help managers to manage their business successfully, and strategists in the organization to make the right decisions at the right time.
Using TotalObserver allows you to monitor the actual business of the company in real time. The activities of all employees, tasks performed, costs, revenues and the rest are automatically synthesized into business indicators.
Middle management easily monitors the implementation of delegated tasks, while the strategic part of the management received valuable indicators as a basis for making the right decisions.
Business analysis and implementation monitoring is a difficult and demanding job. Hours and hours of meetings at all levels of management are realized with one goal: obtaining realistic business indicators. A good part of the operation deals daily with the preparation of reports for the needs of these meetings. The importance of the right data and having a real picture of what we do is key to running a successful business.
Creating a report is possible in just a few clicks. It is possible to select the key parameters by which the search will be performed and immediately after that the required data is available.
Business can be monitored through measurable key performance indicators (KPI) that clearly depict trends and business dynamics.
The generated reports are available in several convenient formats, can be exported to an Excel™ format suitable for further processing, or saved in PDF format.
Reports are created based on data collected from day-to-day operations, which minimizes employee engagement in data collection and processing, and minimizes error.
Off-the-shelf versions for different industries will satisfy even the most demanding organizations.
However, if you need a connection with the legacy software or with some equipment, process customization, or some custom development; we are at your disposal.
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