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Re-invoicing costs in shopping malls

Sales space issuance automation software.
We help investors and employees to organize and run a leasing business without stress.

The process of re-invoicing costs is often a nightmare in the shopping mall business, because it takes a lot of time and attention of employees, and in the end it often contains mistakes.
TotalObserver helps to standardize and simplify this process by reducing the possibility of error and increasing the efficiency of employees.

Re-invoicing costs in shopping malls is a very demanding job, especially in facilities where several types of costs are re-invoiced, such as electricity, water, gas, garbage collection, telephone, property tax, grease separators…
TotalObserver makes available template mechanisms that allow this process to be easily implemented, from data entry, through control, to document issuance. TotalObserver supports storing of  all pre-invoiced costs in a single document or issued separately for each type.


Automated retrieval of values from other systems or group value entry. Based on these values, pre-invoicing is performed through a distribution template in excel format.

Control of all entered data, applied distributions and amounts of documents before their issuance, with the possibility of adding accompanying attachments.

Batch publishing, printing and sending documents is easy. With just a few clicks, a large number of documents can be printed and sent to clients’ email addresses.

Automatic bank statement processing enables a clear distribution of payments by documents and billing tracking.

Off-the-shelf versions for different industries will satisfy even the most demanding organizations.

However, if you need a connection with the legacy software or with some equipment, process customization, or some custom development; we are at your disposal.

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