chk-circle adm adr ast ast-top ath bank bdg ben ca cat cc chl cnf com contract credit-note crm debit-note dsh ea em etpl exp exr fcte fcte-type female folder folder-favorites folder-private folder-public folder-search folder-shared folder-smart folder-tag formul fs-app fs-archive fs-audio fs-avi fs-doc fs-dwg fs-file fs-html fs-image fs-jpg fs-link fs-mp3 fs-mp4 fs-pdf fs-png fs-ppt fs-rtf fs-spreadsheet fs-svg fs-tif fs-txt fs-vector fs-video fs-wiki fs-xls fxd hp ic inc inr interest interim invoice invoice-adv invoice-pro ks lib lng ma male map mb me ms msg msr ntfl nws oca ods-sla offer org pi pin pln prc prf prj prl pyi qu rcp rem req rfrq rgm rpt rpt-con rpt-exp rpt-expp rpt-inc rpt-req rpt-rfrq rpt-rpt rpt-sta rpt-whs rpt-wo scr spare-1 spare-2 spare-3 spare-4 sta stop support tmpl to to-color trn tsk unt usr wd wdg wha whs wo wrl
Asset register management

TotalObserver is Asset Management software.
We help owners and users of facilities and equipment to manage their assets.

Using TotalObserver, equipment, facilities, plants, vehicles and all other assets from which the company earns, maintains or uses are easily created, typified and standardized.

Assets in use generate income and expenses. Employees from different sectors have different perspectives on observing the same equipment or facilities: financiers are interested in value and depreciation; maintenance monitors applications, work orders and technical condition; management is interested in reliability at the lowest possible cost; users want the funds to be always available to them.

A common place for all these observation perspectives is the property register. TotalObserver offers a set of tools and strategies for efficient asset typing, and further monitoring of all listed aspects in a standardized way.


Unique asset register available for different needs of the organization.

Classification of equipment and the possibility of monitoring all parameters and characteristics of importance for business.

Add attachments (documents, instructions, permits, etc.) to equipment, facilities and vehicles, making them easy to find when needed.

Structuring equipment and facilities, logical connection into larger units (facilities, plants) and further monitoring of financial and technical aspects of use: maintenance contracts, value, maintenance history, etc.

Off-the-shelf versions for different industries will satisfy even the most demanding organizations.

However, if you need a connection with the legacy software or with some equipment, process customization, or some custom development; we are at your disposal.

Sales / consultations

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