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DDOR manages assets using TotalObserver

With the help of TotalObserver software, the insurance company DDOR Novi Sad improved the asset usage analysis, connected the legal and bookkeeping departments, and accelerated the collection of rent.

DDOR Novi Sad is a company that was founded in 1945 and is one of the leading insurance companies in this area. Since January 2008, it has been a member of the Fondiaria SAI Group, one of the leading insurance companies in Italy. After 2012, the Unipol Gruppo Finanziario Group took over Fondiariu SAI, and all companies within it, including DDOR Novi Sad. The services of the company “DDOR Novi Sad” are available throughout Serbia and are distributed in eight regions, with more than 100 points of sale.

Large companies such as DDOR Novi Sad often have difficulties establishing analytics on their entire assets.

The Solution

TotalObserver has helped various company segments share data with each other in a standard way, by automating the entire process of tracking asset usage. A registry of facilities and vehicles with all the attributes that were needed in order to enter in detail the assets that this company owns and whose data it wants to monitor has been realized. Attributes on the property enable precise monitoring and additional analysis necessary for the operational and strategic management of the company.


The financial statements required at all times by management were not readily available. Insufficient connectivity of different company segments and manual binding and distribution of property costs slowed down the entire business process.

The Solution

For a geographically dispersed business as in the case of DDOR, there is a need for records of real estate owned, co-owned and real estate where the firm is the lessee. In this case, the software serves as a tool that will facilitate such records. After that, it will be easier to monitor the usage of the property. The data offered by the software is structured and follows the analytics to the required level of detail. TotalObserver has linked the logistics and facility management departments to accounting to speed up invoicing and billing tracking. Once the inbound invoices arrived in the accounting, the total cost of the property would no longer be entered, but the total cost would be divided among the corresponding end users of the property. In this way, the possibility of error has been reduced and the up-to-dateness of the data has been increased, on the basis of which we can make business predictions with certainty and follow the analysis of the asset register. After a couple of years of work, the project of connecting TotalObserver with SAP software was realized in order to further automate the process and avoid double data entry.

The data available to employees did not provide sufficient information about the assets, nor was there a proper asset hierarchy. Any kind of forecasting and controlling with such data was difficult. DDOR was forced to make changes in the way it worked in order to overcome these problems.
The Solution

Employees now receive a daily email newsletter with detailed information (expiration of lease agreements, expiration of warranties, changes to real estate, changes to vehicles, etc.). Automated invoicing and billing tracking is enabled based on entered contracts. The successful connection of the departments through TotalObserver has also helped the finance and accounting sector, which can now at any time receive the dedicated reports and information they need to carry out their activities. A number of dedicated reports have been made available that provide a deeper analysis of the asset register needed by managers and executives in these sectors. Both regular and preventive maintenance have been brought under control and are now being systematically conducted. The software reminds employees and external contractors of mandatory activities and enables monitoring of implementation. A calendar of regular and preventive maintenance is available at all times, helping to plan necessary operations.


After more than 8 years of working together with DDOR, we have managed to cover the entire business process related to property and facility management through iterative development. Through our solution, various departments are connected, which now, through an automated procedure, easily and quickly solves various information requests within the company.

Off-the-shelf versions for different industries will satisfy even the most demanding organizations.

However, if you need a connection with the legacy software or with some equipment, process customization, or some custom development; we are at your disposal.

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