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Zepter collects faster with TotalObserver

Zepter Real Estate uses TotalObserver to manage over 380,000 m² of space.

Zepter Real Estate has the most diversified portfolio in Serbia. The company was founded in 2008. It owns, manages and develops residential, retail, office and industrial facilities across the country.


At one point, the management made a decision to make a cross-section of all real estate owned by Zepter. Also, potential buyers had to be provided with all the necessary information about the property they are interested in. This information either did not exist or was found on various documents of various formats.

The Solution

In the Property Register program, TotalObserver enabled the recording of all real estate owned by Zepter: buildings, structures, land, parking spaces, apartments, etc. Basic information on the size, construction method, materials used, visual condition of the property, lease, its current status, etc. is provided. Also, for each real estate, complete accompanying documentation has been added in the form of attachments: photographs, copy of the plan, list of real estate, solutions, contracts, permits, projects, etc. Today, Zepter employees have all the information in one place and are able to present their property to potential buyers / tenants professionally, in the best possible way.


Zepter in Serbia has numerous companies in its ownership. The biggest challenge was to define the process of rent invoicing, with monitoring of collection, both centrally and for each member company separately.

The Solution

TotalObserver enabled Zepter to automate the issuance of financial documents based on the parameters specified in the contracts. Once defined rental prices, costs of electricity, utilities, security, etc. the software processes and automatically generates the necessary documents (invoice, pro forma invoice, book credits, book debits, etc.). These functionalities are provided both centrally, at the level of the parent company, and for each of the legal entities owned by Zepter.


Complex calculation of pre-invoiced costs. The tenants of the facilities owned by Zepter have a very complex situation regarding the distribution of the costs of the space in which they live.

The Solution

For the needs of Zepter, TotalObserver integrated its software tools for pre-invoicing costs for each individual space, according to several criteria: based on the read value, as a percentage of the share in the square footage, per unit (lump sum). Once these parameters are defined, pre-invoicing costs for electricity, water, heating, elevator maintenance, etc. works automatically and represents a huge time saving for the people in charge of issuing invoices.


Financial monitoring and analysis, given the complexity and number of tenants.

The Solution

After the beginning of active use of the solution, together with the staff from Zepter’s finances, dedicated reports were created for the needs of the company: “Review of debts by age”, “Review of debts and payments for the month”, “Review of receivables per day, months” and others. Today, Zepter monitors the financial operations of all its companies in Serbia in real time using the TotalObserver report.

The Result

The cooperation between Zepter and TotalObserver has been going on since 2016.
Although the initial emphasis was on creating an asset register that is managed and improving the maintenance process, over time it turned out that it was even more important to solve complex challenges in the process of issuing financial documents and monitoring collection.
Today, Zepter uses a version of TotalObserver that helps manage the entire asset portfolio. It is easier for sellers to sell and rent real estate because obtaining information about the facility is quick and easy. The financial sector has drastically reduced the time required to prepare and issue invoices, as well as monitor collection. The transparency of the billing and collection process was raised to a significantly higher level, which shortened the collection time.
Business analysis through dedicated real-time reports is tailored to the operational needs of the company’s employees.
TotalObserver has become an indispensable asset management tool in many places in the process.

Off-the-shelf versions for different industries will satisfy even the most demanding organizations.

However, if you need a connection with the legacy software or with some equipment, process customization, or some custom development; we are at your disposal!.

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